Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I wish I had more time for this post, but I really don't, and so I'll have to make due. I'm about to leave for the weekend and experience Covenant College's Campus Preview Weekend. This will be my first time every being at Covenant (or in Georgia, for that matter). I'm pretty excited.

In other news, I wrote a bunch of poems, worked on my Solomon Wise idea, drew said character in manga style, chatted with Danielle about where Avaria goes from here, watched Paths of Glory, got super-cool sandals, started reading Frankenstein for Brit Lit class, and have been sneezing my head off because of allergy season. It's been fun [except the sneezing part].

Anyway--keep me in your prayers, and I apologize for the lack of anything mildly interesting on my blog. It's going to change someday, I promise =3

Oh, and if anyone's willing to babysit my characters while I'm gone, that'd be awesome. Right now they're kind of making war on my brain because they know I have a few days free to write. Joy.


1 comment:

Danielle Coiro said...

Miss you! Ah, and I need to send that email! I'll finish school today and get that to you ASAP.