Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Beautiful People-February

Hello, lovelies! It's been a while since I did my share of Beautiful People, hosted by Sky at Further Up and Further In and Georgianna at Before My Penn Has Gleaned. So I decided that now is better than never ^_^
 I'm doing these questions for Anna, one of my main characters from Avaria, because I've recently dusted off her book and started plotting again [finally]. So here we go.

1. If your character could be played by any actor, who would it be?
Eh. I'm not exactly sure. I don't watch enough movies to know any actresses around her age who would make the cut. Maybe... No. I just don't know xD
2. Does your character have a specific theme song?
I almost feel like it should be Nobody Knows the Trouble I've Seen or something melancholy like that. But maybe that's just the guilt for all the horrible things I've put her through getting to me ;_;
3. What’s their worst childhood memory?
Her dad leaving when she was about ten years old. She's sixteen, and she hasn't seen him since. It scarred her badly--I don't even know how badly, and I've been writing her story for about five years o_o
4. If your character had a superpower, what would it be?
She'd probably be able to fly or something cool like that. Though she's fast, so maybe she'll be Flash 2. Or Flash Jr.
5. If your character crashed on an island with a bunch of other people, how would your character help the group survive?
Not by having a mental breakdown, that's for sure. She'd probably do a good job of masking her fear, organizing the survivors, and being all rough and tumble; then she'd have her breakdown after rescue.
6. Are they married? If not, do they someday wish to be?
She's not married; she'd like to be, but she's terrified of having her marriage end the same way her parents' did. I think she could do it, though, if the right guy walked along. Which he did. In book three. But she doesn't know that. So SHHH.
7. What is a cause they would die for?
A good cause? Saving a friend, because she hasn't had many. A bad one? Getting revenge. She's an unstoppable monster where revenge is involved. It could be her undoing.
8. Would they rather die fighting valiantly, or quietly at home?
She'd prefer to die quietly. But she's not afraid of fighting. She's been fighting herself all her life.
9. If someone walked up to them and told them they were the child of the prophecy, would they believe them?
You know what, that's funny, because that actually happened. As I remember it, she fainted. Or laughed. Or both. But she ended up being a pretty good child of the prophecy, if I do say so myself.
10. Do they prefer the country or the city?
The city. She grew up in New York, and she despises the small Virginia town her mom's job took them to. *sigh* I guess she can't be perfect.

Okay, that was fun! Every time I finish one of these, I realize that I need to do them more often =D Try one for yourself--you won't regret it!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

YOU just got tagged [Yes, you]

So Jeanette at Capricious Scribblings and Christina at Parenthetically Bizarre  gave me a reason to get back on my blog and actually post something for you to read by tagging me =D Here we go. Warning: this post is gonna be MILES long. I'm just glad I didn't get tagged three times :P

The Rules
1) post these rules.
2) post 11 random things about yourself.
3) answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post.
4) create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer.
5) go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged.
6) no cop-outs in the tagging section like “if you are reading this/follow me,” blah blah blah. you have to legitimately tag people.

11 Random Things About Myself
1. I love to listen to classic Irish love songs. One of my favorite singing groups of all time is The Irish Tenors.
2. I'm a skiier. I've skiied for about six or seven years [maybe longer]. I don't ski with poles, which gets me some weird looks, but I have braved black and double black diamonds and survived.
3. I am a major WWII history buff. One of my favorite things to do is read historical nonfiction about the war and the damage done to the entire world.
4. I've been co-writing a YA fantasy series about unicorns for about six years now.
5. I'm innately afraid of tight spaces--once I got stuck in a box maze and ran over several people to get to the exit. I have no regrets.
6. I fail majorly at cooking. I can bake, but the only thing I can make is zucchini bread. It's pretty good, but my family gets sick of it after about four loaves.
7. I once took a spill off a hyper pony and busted my hip. I limped around for a month afterwards and was lovingly referred to as "the crippled lamb" by my friends. Why they equated me to a lamb I shall never know.
8. One of my favorite foods in the whole world is potatoes. I'll eat them any way I find them--mashed, baked, scalloped, you name it. However, I do not like sweet potatoes, and avoid them like the plague.
9. I'm a bad gamer. I rarely win at any game I play. One of my favorite games is Mario Party, which my dear friend Danielle forced upon me ^^
10. I have two little brothers who were adopted about a year ago. I'm so thankful that God put them in my life.
11.  I'd rather live in a perpetual summertime than a perpetual wintertime. ^^

Jeanette's Lovely Quezzies:

1. What is your favorite book and why?
Oh my. WHY. I don't have a favorite books--I love way too many of them. Some of my favorite books are:
The Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit
All four books in the Auralia's Colors series
Great Expectations
Jane Eyre
The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and Punishment
The Chronicles of Narnia
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo

And quite a few more =D

2. What is your favorite movie and why?
Again with the favorites! I really like movies, so I have a lot of favorites. But my biggest favorites are:
Judgment at Nuremburg--It's a courtroom drama with the best actors I've ever seen and an excellent storyline.
Schindler's List--A poignant portrayal of one man's fight against the hated which existed everywhere around him during the Holocaust.
It's a Wonderful Life--Come on. It's just...the best movie out there.
The Boy in the Striped Pajamas--A really shocking movie with a powerful message.
Tangled--Long hair, chamelons, glowing lanterns and a cute love song. What's not to like?

3. Who or what inspires you?
Jesus, for His unconditional love and His perfect example.
My parents, because they put up with me for seventeen years 8D
My friends, because of the way they make me laugh even when I'm pretty unlikable.
My characters, because even though I gave them life, they're original and independent, and they make their stories that much better.

4. What is the last book you read? Did you like it?
The last book I read was: Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
Did I like it? I thought it was sad, rushed, and a little sloppy, but still well-written and a total psychological thriller.

5. Are you looking forward to The Hunger Games film?
YES. I am so looking forward to it ^^ The book's very visual, and so I can't wait to see how the story is on the big screen!

6. Have you ever gotten your friends obsessed with something?
Yup--Les Miserables. I did that.
And also, I got Danielle on the DragonKeeper forum. My greatest work ^^

7. What is your favorite novel genre? Why?
I think fantasy is just the best thing ever. It's creative, but it can also pack a true-to-life punch. You can send a message without sounding like a preacher; you can create worlds, new creatures, and have a blast writing.
And also it's fun to read, too ;-;

8. What is your favorite period of history? Why?
I love the 1930's-1940's. I became obsessed with WWII era and never looked back. It's an amazing time in history, when a seemingly advanced and cultured world either murdered millions or stood by and watched. I am shocked that something like the Holocaust could have happened [though not surprised, given the sinful nature of man]. The tortures people all over the world endured should never be forgotten. I'd like to play a small part in making sure they never will be.

9. American accents or Irish?
IRISH! Oh yes please!

10. What is one of your favorite quotes?
Those who are ignorant of history are doomed to repeat it, or something like that. I think it's a great warning, because we see history repeated every day. Nothing new is under the sun.

11. Jane Austen or Charles Dickens? xD
Hmm. I think Dickens. I LOVED A Tale of Two Cities and Great Expectations. But I also liked Pride and Prejudice--I just don't buy into the whole romance thing as much xD

Pippin's Spectacular Quezzies:

1. Have a hilarious cooking story? Pray do share. Bonus points if involves unintentional fire.
Hmm. Once my mom and I were making potatoes, and the oven caught on fire and my mom turned all fire-lady and put it out with BAKING SODA 8D I was about five, and she was my hero forever.

2. How do you feel about strawberry chapstick?
I don't know. I've never met it before. I think I'd like it.

3. Hot air balloons or helicopters?
I'll go with the hot air balloons. Anything that flies really fast intimidates me xD

4. How do you feel about the craze for SillyBanz a short year ago?
I was neutral. I actually have a couple... unicorns ;-; They're so cute ^^

5. Have you ever tasted tiramisu? Tell me what it tastes like, cuz I haven’t. Points for most obscure descriptions.
Hmm. I think it tastes kind of like sushi, because it sort of rhymes. Also, it probably has sprinkles on top, because it ends with a "u". And I think it's fried.

6. TY Beanie babies? Remember them? Have they gone to the dogs, in your opinion?
Oh my yes! I have hundreds of them upstairs. If the world ever needs to be replenished, come to me. When I say hundreds, I mean HUNDREDS.

7. Favorite character from Percy Jackson in three . . . two . . . one . . . go!
I've never read Percy Jackson ._.
So... I guess nobody? *ducks*

8. Who’s your favorite American President?
It's a tie between Lincoln and John Adams.

9. What was the last paper you wrote about for school?
It was a huge poetry assignment that almost killed me xD

10.    Toy Story 1, 2, or 3?
Meh. I like the second one ^^

11. When was the last time you blew bubbles?
This past summer. Bubbles are awesome!

That was fun ^^

Here are my eleven questions for you.

1. Have a favorite book or movie character? Who is it, and what do you like about him/her?
2. What's your favorite type of music to listen to?
3. Ever created a dream cast for your favorite book/play/own original book?
4. Do you like potatoes (answer carefully)?
5. What's your favorite place to visit?
6. Ever ridden a dragon?
7. What qualities would you like to see in your characters? If you don't have characters, what qualities would you like to see in yourself?
8. College, or no college?
9. If you had all the money in the world, what would be the one thing you'd buy first?
10. What sports do you play [if any] and what musical instruments do you/have you learned?
11. Favorite song ever, and why?

Okay, I tag everyone who's reading this, excepting Christina and Jeanette [because I don't think I can re-tag]! You're officially tagged; no use trying to get out of it. Yes. Because I'm that lazy xD

That was fun! I shall make a note of the joy it brought to me.


Monday, February 6, 2012

My Life on Repeat

Here's the thing. I had this lovely little post all typed out and ready to go to the presses when my genius computer suddenly realized that I was signed into my college Google account, and not my personal Google account. Therefore, it kicked me out of my blog and nommed my entire post before I could even say "cheesecake".

I despise technology.

That said, all I really wanted to say was that
a). Yes, I'm still alive and yes, this blog is still running [though very slowly, it seems]
b). I'm still stuck in the perpetual rut of writer's block. In fact, I think I'll just build a nice summer cottage and stay.
c). My short story isn't published yet, but I sent it off to the publisher and it should be in his hands even as I type.

But, with all the trouble I'm having with technology today, I think I might send him an email just to make sure.

'Til next time,

Elisabeth <3