Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Do you feel it?

It's coming.

October is waning silently away, leaving in its wake a trail of painted leaves and crisp cold mornings. But for us, these last few days are not spent in quiet reflection and appreciation of the beauty of October 2011.

In fact, these last few days are quite possibly going to be the most hectic of the year.

That's right--or should I say "write"? NaNoWriMo is officially six days away. Six days. Five hours. Four minutes. And a handful of seconds.

Are you ready?

If you were to pose that question to me, I'd probably laugh like a maniac for a few minutes before bursting into tears. I want to write this story. It's been gnawing at me for months. But it's hard to make the switch from last year's thirty days of fantasy, of imagination and of other worlds to this year's impending thirty days of a story based on real life, on real emotions and trials and events. I'm scared. And excited at the same time.

Graahh. I need chocolate.

It doesn't help that I have college applications to finish, and scholarships to apply for this week. I have a feeling that I'll be finishing my NaNo this year at the line, just like last year. But it's a feeling like nothing else, and even though I have my doubts, I can't wait.

In the general mood of NaNo, I took a look back at last year's novel (*sniff* That sounds so calloused ;_;) I read a few pages from random places. I laughed out loud a couple of times, sometimes at my brilliant wit, sometimes at the lack of it. I fell back in love with my dear characters and, for a brief moment, almost decided to re-do the novel for this year.

But no. Reapers sits in a little virtual folder, waiting for my brain to switch from writer's to editor's. This year, my story is different.

What about you? Are you taking on NaNo again? What will you write about? And what will you miss from your story last year?

Looking forward to another year of coffee, all-nighters and a lot of jumping around at the end of it all,


Jeanette said...

Your NaNo novel sounds like it's going to be awesome. And don't let last year's unedited novel get to you. The novel I wrote two years ago still isn't edited. =P

Orethan and Blade will finally have a book this year. Yay.
I still have to outline the plot, smack Orethan around a bit, and get Blade to shut up... then I should be set. x3

...and I don't think I miss last year's novel. xD

Elisabeth said...

Aww :3 Thanks! Yeah. I'm pretty spazzed out 8D

That sounds like a lot of work X3 But I'm sure you'll do fabulous!

Aww ;_; Poor novel XD

Jeanette said...

Yay! :D
NaNoWriMo is so fun... it makes me happy. ^^

Why thank you. Hopefully my random playlists help with it so it doesn't come out sounding like a Stephanie Meyer novel. xD

...well, Jonas annoyed me. And I kept thinking of the Jonas Brothers every time I typed his name, and I wondered why on earth I'd named the dude that - but oh well... it kind of fits his annoying-ness. x3

Elisabeth said...

It's pretty epic. Now I can't imagine NOT doing it XD

LOL! I love really dramatic romantic music :3 But sometimes, it just doesn't do good things to your brain when you're writing :P

Ahahaha! That would be kind of annoying XD I don't know. Twink was super annoying, but in the way that kind of made you WANT to write him, instead of the opposite :P I'm gonna miss those guys. I still have to finish their poor story. And I can't wait to edit!

Christina Icarus said...

NaNo is so much fun... my best friend tried to ask me to reconsider it a week or so ago and I was like, "... D: I thought that you loved me though"

We will all do fabulous! We can do nothing that is not fabulous!
*hides past NaNoWriMo novels* :D

I THINK I HAVE A TITLE FOR MY NOVEL. This is a good thing. :D

Elisabeth said...

Ahahaha XD Afterwards, we tend to realize that our zany friends do love us. But during the craziness? Oh maiii.

YAY! We're fabulous 8D Our writing at the end of November? Maybe notsomuch. BUT WE ARE! Besides, what are editors for? ;)

Lucky >.> I'm still pondering. Slowly. As always :P

3 days, guys!