Thursday, October 13, 2011

Is it November Yet?

I was babysitting for a friend today. She has a lot of health isssues and just really needs someone to help her out with her rambunctious, adorable 18 month old baby girl. I was sitting with her daughter and she was out in the kitchen getting breakfast.

"So, have you gotten much writing done lately?" she asked.

I tried to force a smile, even though I knew she couldn't see my face. "No. It's hard, with school and all. It's pretty crazy."

"Yeah." She laughed. "Hey, have you ever heard of this thing called NaNoWriMo?"

"YES," I replied, almost before she was done asking the question. "I actually did it last year. It was so fun! I think the most words I wrote at one sitting were about 5000."

"Five thousand?" she exclaimed. "How long did it take you to write that many words?"

I paused, nostalgic. Those were the richest three hours of that November. I sat on the floor at my sister's friend's house while she and my sister talked. They talked. I wrote. I wrote and wrote and wrote until it seemed like my fingers were going to fall off. But when I was finished, I looked up with bloodshot eyes and triumphantly announced, "I'm back on schedule." My sister and her friend gave me the weirdest look and kept on talking. But I was saved. That little blue chart now matched the curve I should be getting for that day. I felt fulfilled. "Three hours," I told my friend as I twisted her daughter's little mop of hair into a curlycue. "It was amazing."

I can't wait until November.

NaNoWriMo emails are flooding my inbox. I'm ecstatic. I can't wait to start. I want to write. I want to write fifty-thousand words. I want to write a hundred thousand words, if I can. These short spurts of creativity each day are driving me insane. I want to tear down the dam and submerge myself in all the pent-up ideas floating around behind the barrier I've put up to keep my life somewhat normal. Even if it's for only a month. Even if it was only for a day.

I can't wait until November.

I think I have the story for this year's NaNo. It's the story of my great-great grandmother, May. It's not fantasy, but it's a GOOD story. And, depending on how much research I get done, most of it will be true. I'm so excited. I want to show it to my grandmother when I'm done, to thank her for sharing those stories with me. But first I have to write it.

I can't wait until November.

Is it November yet?

~God Bless

Elisabeth (who is on a different computer and thus cannot stamp her awesome signature onto this blog post :( )


Christina Icarus said...

I want November too. I'm also a little terrified for it. I'm so not ready. D:

I have no clue what I'm writing yet. Bahhhhhhhhh it's not fun. :<

But I am excited~!! Super excited. :3

Fozzy said...

I'll probably start something last minute with no idea of where it is going XDD

Elisabeth said...

I know! It's so exciting, though, not knowing where you're going :P I just hope I actually FINISH a novel, unlike last year >.>

Jeanette said...

Yayy! I've been looking forward to November. :D
This year it's going to Orethan and Blade's book. Since the plot is nothing like it was before, it can't be considered cheating... at least I don't think so. xD
I have a bunch of playlists to listen to while writing it toooo. This is going to be a fun year. 8D

Elisabeth said...


And so are playlists.

All right! Orethan and Blade get some love! =D Exciting!!!!

Jeanette said...

I'm probably going to do a blog post with my playlists just in case they might inspire someone else... because I know every time I listen to the music in those playlists I tend to come up with demented things that just have to be put down on paper. xD

INORITE? Orethan and Blade need lots of love. They haven't had it for a while and Blade really needs to be written into a novel since he never has before. =P

Elisabeth said...

That would be so awesome! I'm trying to track down some music from the time period I'm writing about, but besides that and my darling Irish Tenors, I have no inspiration music ;_;

THEY DO! I can't wait to see what you come up with :3 I'M SO EXCITED TO FINALLY SEE THEM IN WRITINGGGG

Jeanette said...

My playlists are going up tonight. I think have all the ones I want... hopefully. If I don't, I'll just have to track down some more. xD


Elisabeth said...

I love your taste in music! I shall be haunting your blog for the next thirty days, believe me XD