Sunday, July 3, 2011

Outlines, GoodReads, and Figuring Stuff Out :]

Hi everyone. I'm not going to apologize for not posting in forever--I know you know my excuses by heart and you could probably apologize FOR me by now -_- (But I really am sorry--writing this summer has been harder than ever before!)

Today I went through my outline for Avaria and basically tried to figure out exactly what I did and didn't need. It was tedious, sometimes boring and sometimes a bit painful since I had to decide to cut some scenes which have been in the book since the beginning :'( But I think I made progress and can now chat a bit with Fozzy about her opinion and then start to tear my poor novel apart (again). I also found a bunch of resources from writer's conferences past and made a list of exactly what I want to do with each one. I really need to work on my characters--maybe I'll let them loose on the blog someday and let you tell me what you think of them :] I'm going to try to make each of them a little document containing their backstory and vital information, just to get everything organized. I think it's a good idea--I'll let you know how it turns out XD

Next--GoodReads! I just found this yesterday and have been basking in the glow for about 30 hours :] If you know what GoodReads is, then you don't need to read the rest of this paragraph. If you don't: GoodReads is a site packed chock-full of books--unfortuantely, not ones you can read. They're actually books which you can mark as *read*, *currently reading*, or *to-read*. You can make "shelves" of these books, invite friends to join, take bookish quizzes, find and favorite quotes, become fans of your favorite authors, and review books that you've read. I'm having a blast! It's not a Christian site, but I haven't seen any problems with language and it seems secure and well-moderated. If any of you are on there, I'd love to "friend" you and swap book suggestions :] I always loved to read even before I loved to write, and it's so fun for me to compile a list of all the books I can ever remember reading X3 If you're not a member, you can sign in with Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail, etc. and create an account thru one of those profiles. Sorry for rambling--I encourage you to go ahead and take a look around the site for youself!

Shoooyeah. This school year I'll be taking a graphic novel course which I'm super excited about! I expect to be writing a lot of poetry for said class, so hopefully you'll have a steady stream of verses thrown at you then. Over the next few days, I'd like to post a couple of chapters from Avaria for you to take a look at.

Aaand Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra just ended and Stargate SG-1 is on -_- That's probably my cue to sign out X3

Have a good 4th of July!


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