Saturday, July 16, 2011

Three Weeks?!

I know, I know, I just made a fatal error in punctuation (and in my post title, no less) but I'm rather panicked at the moment! The Writer's Conference is the sneaky sort--it always creeps up on me--but NEVER have I been THIS unprepared. It's rather scary, actually.
I always try to get the most out of this conference--I mean, I don't want to pay over a hundred dollars (and that's with a generous discount!) and not get my money's worth. But it's just this year that I'm beginning to realize that this is a two-way thing--GPCWC provides the conference, the authors, editors, materials, suggestions, and opportunities--I gotta DO something with them!
And I have three weeks.
Avaria's my biggest concern. It hasn't changed much from last year, and there is a lot of polishing I could still do on the first few chapters. But I don't want to limit myself to just that. I want to bring other ideas, short stories, even poems! I want to give people a broader view of my work (if you can call it that). I have so many things I could bring, but they need a bit of help.
In three weeks.

So, I'm asking for your opinion. I AM GOING TO POST SOME OF AVARIA (I just put that in caps as a reminder for myself to actually do it). But I need your help with other things as well.

*Of the things I've posted here, what would you like to see go to the conference?
* Of the things that you chose for the above, do any need changes/help?
* If so, can you suggest ways to make said things better?

I don't mean to make you do homework, and you don't have to. But I really would love your input--it would be very encouraging :]

On a happier note, I got BOOKS today! About fifteen! Most are from the 1950's and below; I stuffed them all into a poor shopping bag and nabbed the entire batch for only five dollars! I'm rather spazzed =D Just thought I'd share that random joy with you :]

Yours (Exhausted)~


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