Wednesday, March 30, 2011

I Promised You an Exercise!

Yes, I did. But I'm brain-dead after classes and can hardly type, let alone run around looking for "The Write-Brain Workbook." Even though I know where it is. Scratch that, I'll go get it.

*Is back from the long and perilous journey*

Okay, here's one that I did the other night. It's called "Very Touching" and here are the instructions:

Think of a slinky. Write four textures that come to mind.

Now think of a scarf. Write four textures that come to mind.

Use all these in a story that begins: Late night city streets are the perfect backdrop for....

I did my freewrite in the POV of a thief looking for a quick heist. I'd post my textures and my little snippet, but I'd rather you take the prompt and run with it out of your own imagination without getting sidetracked by my results =) That and I'm too tired to type it out... ZzzZzz...

So, hope you enjoy doing this! I had fun with it. I'll see if I can't dig up a...poem...or put in the Random Writings section. Keep an eye out for that.

Signing out!



Jeanette said...


Fozzy said...

And here we go! *dramatic music*

Four textures for slinky: smooth, springyish (yes, it is a texture, do not judge)cold.

Scarf: prickly, warm, woven

As for the short story, I don't think that would fit in the comments XD

Elisabeth said...

I had SO much trouble thinking of textures for the slinky! It seemed easy enough, but I came up with hard, bumpy--and I can't remember the rest. Hey, I did woven for the scarf, too! How cool XD

Christina Icarus said...

But right nao, I have to go to a dress rehearsal for a play. :]

Elisabeth said...

Runner, I'm sure it'll fit =] I wanna see it XDD

Dress rehearsal! Funfun =P