Monday, November 14, 2011

Out to the Land of Buggies and Snow

That's right--I'm going out to rural farmlands inhabited by Amish folk and a scenic little shopping town called Rockvale tomorrow, seeking Christmas presents for loved ones and answers to a gabazillion questions I have. Who, exactly, shall answer these questions?

My lovely grandmother. I call her Gram. You can, too. She loves everyone <3

Gram is the one who first told me about Mae's story (notice I changed the spelling of her name from May to Mae? Aha. I'm fallible). She sometimes forgets little things like how many cookies we had in one day, but she has remembered Mae's story amazingly well. My biggest problem with this year's NaNoWriMo is that I have absolutely NO idea what anyone did. I know Mae was a telephone operator--still researching what she actually had to do in 1905. But as far as everyone else goes, I'm lost. I'm making up random jobs and hoping those jobs even EXISTED in the early 1900's (hint: not likely). So Gram is my superhero, my lifeline in this garbled mess of history I'm trying to translate into a story. I can't wait to take out my pen and notebook and start writing as she answers away--all the way to Rockvale. It should be a fun ride. My siblings will probably be sick of me asking questions by the end of the day, but I will persevere, and at least find out the important facts. Like whether or not Mae liked cats. Everybody likes cats.

On a different note, IT'S ALMOST THANKSGIVING! I hope you're looking forward to it as much as I am. It's seriously my second-favorite holiday, right after Christmas.

Those pictures I promised are forthcoming. Waiting builds character ^_^

Happy Writing~~~


Fozzy said...


Also, my word verification was 'sweation'.

I find that amusing.

Elisabeth said...

IT WAS! I bought boots for meh mom (she picked them out herself, which really is cheating, but I wanted to make sure she liked what I got her), and my Gram bought everyone presents whether they wanted them or not :3 And, of course, who doesn't want presents? =D AND I GOT THE MOST AWESOME SHOES 8D It was so much fun <3

And that word is...interesting XD